
You know you're a New Yorker when...

Sup kiddies. I just got done with a weekend back in my roots with the loves of my life and now I'm currently bus trippin'. I've been so busy, It's cray. With my promotion and the spring bringing my social life into orbit by coming out of hermit status, I've been seriously neglecting this spot which I love so much. So you get this treat just cause- five things that only New Yorkers understand. Leggo.

1) Look one way before crossing the street. 
Cause who has time to look both ways down a one way street?

2) Wearing shorts under dresses. 
Unless you want that Marilyn Monroe moment...every time you're even remotely around a subway

3) Not to go into the empty subway cars. 
There is a reason why they're empty, and it's the one person who's still riding in it. 

4) Abbrevs. and a.c.r.o.n.y.m.s. 
saying the whole thing? ain't nobody got time for that.

5) Leaving an hour before anything if you're taking the subway, even though Google maps says it will take 30 mins.
Three words- train traffic ahead.

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