
a few of my favorite things.

The holidays and the year are coming to a close and I thought that it would be a great time to look back and appreciate some of my favorite things I got this year. The best things aren't things, they're people and i'm extremely blessed to have been able to spend a large amount of time with my family this year having some unforgettable experiences. I've also had a lot of people come into my life this year that I am fortunate to know and my strongest relationships have stood the test of time, distance and unforeseeable variables. Fittingly, most of my prized possessions at the moment are things that have sentimental value to those in my life. 

1. FRYE STELLA CHELSEA SHORT As we grew older, it seems like at Christmastime the toys we get dwindle or are seen as less useful, and over the course of time, my family has begun to exchange money. I usually take advantage of this excess of money to pay off bills, or put in my savings, but this year my mother advised me to put the money towards something material so that I can remember the person who gave me the money by as long as I have it. This is the object I chose.

2. ANTHROPOLOGIE BRENTA SWING DRESS This dress is especially sentimental because during this holiday season I got the opportunity to watch my best friend say 'i do'. I was the MOH for this event and spent three days straight helping things go smoothly, which I hope she things that they did. She spent the time to pick this gift out and thank me for my efforts. It was completely unnecessary for her to do so, but it is one of the most beautiful clothing items I own and I will cherish it always.

3. FRENCH GIRL LIP POLISH This is an item I gifted to myself, and it's my favorite thing right now because every winter, my lips become so crazy chapped it's unbearable. This little bottle does wonders to remedy that problem. Think sea salt scrub for your lips, and it smells delicious.

4. YAMAHA ACOUSTIC GUITAR When I was a little girl, my father would disappear and I would hear sweet tunes coming from his room upstairs. It was his was of relaxing, his passion, but I would follow the noise and join him to sing James Taylor by his side, no matter how done deaf I am. This year I decided to learn guitar, and we spent some time together over the holidays as he taught me some of the basics with my new guitar that was under the tree. It's a special bonding moment that I love.

5. JOHN DERIAN SWIFT PLATE I've been at my job for a year and a half and I love what I do there. Everyday I learn new things from an incredible team and although small, we work together to make each issue of the magazine beautiful every month. My boss' favorite store is John Derian, so it's very touching that I received this item from her for the holidays.

6. VINTAGE SPRAY BOTTLE My mother knows my appreciation for vintage items, and she digs them up all over my house from her mother and grandmothers from time to time and is kind enough to give them to me. This is just one of the items she passed along to me, its always an honor to be in the presence of those things that have stood the test of time.

Happy holidays all, cherish all those things and people that you hold dear this year and always.

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