
hanging tight

Working in retail has totally made me think of new ways to make apparel beautiful. Living in a shoebox has forced me to make the very most of the space that I have.

These two things combined inspired this trick to hold up the trickiest shoes to store- THOSE TALL BOOTS. I pulled some knowledge from my visual display past and thought to dress up two simple items and bring them together in a simple but amazing way.


I took the wall hooks and put hot glue on the ends of them and affixed string there, and wrapped it around quickly so that they look a little more rustic and less industrial. To dress up the clips, I suggest using acrylic paint and even putting designs on them so that they look completely unique. 

Very simply screw the hook into the wall where you would like to put your boots and then once in place, clip the boots together at the top. Make sure your clips have holes in them, because that is where you can hook them together and let the boots hang. This way they won't sag or bend when you are not using them and will store better!