
blurred lines


Change. It can be a pretty heavy word. To tell you the truth, I've always thought of change as a challenge- shifts in location, relationships and health- seem to be really hard periods in life. You laugh, you probably cry and then you wake up one day and realize a crazy thing. You feel comfortable. You suddenly realize that this too has passed and on the way you've gotten to know yourself more than ever before. Change can be brought on by terrible, okay and sometimes fantastic things, but they seem to be huge growing periods, in my experience anyways.

This time around, change brought more change for me, at least in a smaller sense. I decided to start parting my hair right down the middle for the first time maybe ever. It probably doesn't seem big to you, but my rooms told me that it was like "you know, sort of like when you don't know you need glasses, and then you put them on for the first time and suddenly things are clear!" Apparently that's what happens when you can see my whole face. So I'm gonna stick with it for a while.