
It was{n't} a lazy sunday


If you haven't had the opportunity to visit the high line in n.y.c. you should definitely take the time and explore. It stretches out about one and a half miles in lower manhattan and is suspended above the city where a railroad once used to be. It's beautiful where urban and park meet to make this strange mixed atmosphere that overlooks the Hudson. The West side of new york definitely has it's treasures. This walkway has charming touches along the entire way from the isolated juice bar above, and the many tunnels, benches and greenery that are entwined with the unique architecture of the bridge itself.


At the end of the high line and over a bit is this beautiful market. It covers a variety of goods from delicious tea at LOV organic to small treasures and plantlife at Flower Girl to a beautiful open area with sunroof to enjoy any of the many treats they have to offer. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to sample the local eats while I was there, but being in a nice cozy and almost summer-like environment on a cool winter day was priceless and I can't wait to go back there again realllll soon.

I really appreciate days like these where you start with a vague plan of what to do and a few friends who are up to the adventure. With winter here and the upcoming storm, it's so easy to find yourself on a couch or in bed waiting for the time to pass till you can feel comfortable again, and then it begins to feel silly to me that we let the weather outside determine how we feel at times. I find myself yearning for a beach somewhere where I can sink my toes into the sand and feel the waves against my skin, but that's not where i'm at right now. it's here. in the freezing Northeast. where I call home. So I might as well put on those snow boots, grab some hot chocolate and make the most of it.