
Snow daze


n.y.c. was supposed to be hit last night with one of the biggest storms in history. I'm not sure if it lived up to the hype, but before I went home yesterday I picked up some food that didn't require any electricity just in case. I don't normally eat breakfast, which I know is the exact wrong thing to do, but Grapefuit was one of the few things that my parents would get me to eat. My dad would always cut one in half and give me one of them, and we put some sugar on it and dig in. My mom would make me salsa eggs, but that one requires a heat source, so I went with the first option. Something about the rush in the a.m. and not being a morning person never lets me enjoy a morning snack, but slowing down a bit for the snow day made me realize how important it is. Grapefruit is great for your heart and contains tons of Vitamin C which is a huge immunity booster and great for seasons like this where colds and the flu is going around! It is also believed that the Lycopene these fruits have stop tumors from forming in the body. Never a bad thing to have.

I took advantage of the day to check some indie movies off my list that i've been meaning to see, get some sleep, do a little work and hit the refresh button.